The Sarran Senator (The Sarrans Book 4) by A.C. Katt

The Sarran Senator (The Sarrans Book 4) by A.C. Katt

Author:A.C. Katt
Language: eng
Format: azw3, mobi, epub
Publisher: JMS Books LLC
Published: 2016-03-27T05:00:00+00:00

Chapter 8

Each meeting occurs at the precise moment

for which it was meant. Usually, when it will have

the greatest impact on our lives.

―Nadia Scrieva, Fathoms of Forgiveness

The Hanger, Birthing Class 08:00 tines

When word got out on the comm that there was to be another birthing class the rising after Sam’s party, other Warriors like Tarin who felt they hadn’t absorbed the material at the first class and had since bonded, came to take the class again. Mark assisted Anya and the new ob/gyn, Dr. Lisa Fox. Lisa had come to the ship because of the Sarran television commercials.

“The contract stated that we could go back home if we wanted and the print ads said they were looking for ob/gyns. If nothing else, I thought I would get to actually see another planet. But now I know I’m needed here and the Sarran Warriors are amazing. I’m hoping to be bonded at the dance.”

“How did you get to a place where you decided to come here,” Anya asked Lisa. Anya and Lisa became close very quickly. Lisa had also trained at Manhattan General Medical Center and knew Mark. She’d been a few years ahead of Anya.

“You and I have a lot in common. I lived with nuns too. My parents sent me to Catholic boarding school through high school and I wasn’t an orphan. I rebelled when it was time for college and attended Columbia. I was happy to get a place at Manhattan General when Dr. Stern was Chief of Staff.”

“Where did you go after your residency?” Anya sorted through the visual aids. They didn’t have holos for the class, although some fems suggested that their Warriors record an actual birth for the archives to use for future classes. The council fem agreed it would be useful as an example to the others.

“University of New Mexico, Sandoval Medical Center. They needed doctors in New Mexico, especially doctors who took Medicaid. I wasn’t interested in making a fortune, only in helping other fems.” Lisa chuckled. “I keep wanting to say women despite the translator chip. I actually love the term fem. The word woman is a derivative of man.” Anya nodded her head in affirmation.

“Fem is a word unto itself and puts us in our own place, not as an appendage of a man,” Anya said.

“Huh, I never thought of it that way before.” Amused, Lisa smiled. “Even the Sarran language treats fems as equals. That’s why I came.”

* * * *

Academy Grounds: The Tierest Tree 10:00 tines

“I enjoyed the class now that I know I may have to use the skill,” Tarin told Sam. They held hands while walking to the Tierest tree on the grounds of the Academy.

“This tree is important to many Sarrans. The legend is that it was the first tree planted by the Goddess after the ClanWars and because of its connection to the Goddess it has been reserved for Sarrans only. Many a WarriorPair formed their bond under this tree.”

::Did you and Nezier…::

::I wouldn’t do that to you, my fox.


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